Legoland was fun. This is Michael's favorite place to go. He prefers Legoland to Disneyland. His favorite ride is the Horse ride. And this year Matthew got to ride it, and he loved it too. There's something about them getting to ride it all by themselves that makes the ride great. Michael also liked the car racing ride (he drove much better here then at Autotopia). The downside to this ride was that you had to be 3 to ride it. So Matthew wasn't allowed to ride. And if you look carefully in the background you can see Matthew pouting on the bench, but still trying to sneak a peek... wistfully at the ride he wanted to go on. This would become a familiar theme for Matthew throughout the whole vacation. He wanted to ride everything.... while Michael need a lot of convincing for some of the rides. Unfortunately for Macey there was only two rides at Legoland that she was allowed to ride.... and one of them was closed. Poor Macey! She didn't let it get her down though. She enjoyed watching the boys, and walking around while they rode the rides. Scott's favorite ride was the pirate boat ride, where your boat has water guns on it, and you can shoot the bystanders. It also has water guns that the bystander's can shoot back at them. So when Scott and Matthew rode, I was trying to get Scott, but ended up getting Matthew all wet... he was kind of mad when he got off the ride... but I'm not sure he knew it was me who had gotten him all wet. Matthew's favorite rides were the horse, a different pirate boat ride then the one that gets you wet, and the beetle bounce (a ride that is a miniature version of the Tower of Terror, that drops you, pulls you up, and then drops you again). My favorite was probably the Pharaoh ride (similar to the Buzz Lightyear ride) and the Dragon roller coaster, it has some really cool Lego builds inside the castle before you go out and ride the coaster. We also saw some little 4-D short shows they had that were nice.
That looks like so much fun! I cannot wait until we can take Mo to Disneyland and Legoland. So Glad you had a great vaca: )
What a GREAT cheeser smile from Michael on that go-cart! Cute kids!
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